GWC Injury Lawyers Annual Scholarship

GWC Injury Lawyers Annual Scholarship


Madeleine Kavoossi

As one of Illinois’ premier Personal Injury and Workers’ Compensation law firms, GWC Injury Lawyers knows how important a great education is to a successful future, both for the students themselves and their communities as a whole.  Our team of legal professionals is dedicated to helping provide opportunities for students throughout the country.

With this in mind, we have created the GWC Injury Lawyers Annual Scholarship.  This program is aimed at assisting students who are currently enrolled in a college or university in the United States. Being enrolled as a law student is NOT a pre-requisite of this scholarship.  However, applicants who express an interest in the United States justice system are preferred.

Students are chosen based upon their exemplary academic skills, their service to their communities, and a short essay.  The winning applicant will receive $1,000.00 to be applied towards the student’s upcoming Fall Semester tuition bill.

Further information about next year’s scholarship will be available shortly.

Application Requirements

Please be sure to read the following application requirements – any incomplete application packets will not be processed, and applicants with incomplete packets will not be notified and asked to submit the missing information.

  1. Qualified applicants must be currently enrolled in a college or university in the United States.
  2. Qualified applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the college or university in which they are enrolled.
  3. Qualified applicants must submit a letter of recommendation from either a member of their local community or from a faculty member from the college or university that they are attending.
  4. Qualified applicants must provide a 500-to-1,000 word essay on the topic chosen by the GWC Injury Lawyers selection committee (“How do personal injury attorneys benefit society?”)
  5. All student applicant essays must be in a .PDF format, with the file name as: lastname_firstname_gwc.pdf.

How To Apply

To apply, please complete the GWC Annual Scholarship Application Form featured on this page.

Deadline For Applications

July 17, 2023.

Terms & Conditions

The GWC Injury Lawyers Annual Scholarship is open to eligible students who are attending a college or university in the United States.

The scholarship winner will be announced by July 27, 2023, and the scholarship money will be sent to your chosen college to be applied toward your 2023 Fall Semester tuition payment.

The selection committee at the law offices of GWC Injury Lawyers decides the scholarship winner. GWC Injury Lawyers has the sole right to resolve any disputes which may arise in the selection of the award winner. Our decision is FINAL.

The successful applicant will be announced on this page of our website as well as on our social media accounts.  Be sure to visit our website and social media pages to learn if YOU are this year’s winning Applicant!

Being enrolled as a law student is NOT a prerequisite for this scholarship.  However, applicants who express an interest in the United States justice system are preferred.

Non-Discrimination Statement

The scholarship committee selection process is in no way influenced by race, gender, nation of origin, sexual preference, or religion.

Privacy Statement

Any information that is provided to GWC Injury Lawyers will be used solely to determine the most eligible scholarship applicant and deleted after the selection period has elapsed.

Any information that is provided to GWC Injury Lawyers during the application process MAY be used for public relations purposes by GWC Injury Lawyers without obtaining any further consent from the winning applicant(s).

Any information that is provided during the application process will NOT be sold to any third parties.

Past Winners

Congratulations to the previous winners of the GWC Injury Lawyers Annual Scholarship:

2017 – Kaitlyn Hammock Kaitlyn Hammock




2018 – Ben Cohen Ben Cohen




2019 – Derek Fong Derek Fong




2020 – Tim Rosenberger Tim Rosenberger




2021 – Alexandra Lyon Greenlee Alexandra Lyon Greenlee




2022 – Danielle TaylorDanielle Taylor




Your Future Is In YOUR Hands. Education Is KEY. We Look Forward To Reviewing Your Application Material.

GWC Annual Scholarship Application Form

Application Registration

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Contact Information

Are you a Legal Citizen of the United States or authorized to attend school in the United States?(Required)

Academic Information

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Leadership & Achievements

Please list your leadership activities and any specific achievements.

Letter of Recommendation

Max. file size: 5 MB.
Upload your unofficial recommendation(s) in one file:

2023 Essay Question

Max. file size: 5 MB.
Upload your essay.