GWC Representing Victims of Scaffold Failure at University of Chicago Hospital

GWC is honored to represent the victims of the faulty scaffold that collapsed at the University of Chicago Hospital’s new Cancer Pavilion project in June of this year, 2024. The faulty scaffold caused David O’Donnell and Jeffrey Spyrka to fall 140 feet. Miraculously, Jeffrey survived despite massive injuries. Sadly, young David’s life was taken. GWC>> Read More

Railroad workers repairing a broken track

Navigating FELA Claims: A Guide for Railroad Workers

If you’re a railroad worker you’re probably familiar with FELA claims. You might wonder what exactly a FELA claim is and how filing one will benefit you. In this post, our highly trained FELA lawyers break down everything you need to know about FELA claims and how you can secure the compensation you deserve. What>> Read More

University of Chicago Hospital Cancer Pavilion Project Press

Man Opening Envelope With Check

What To Do if Workers’ Comp Is Not Sending Checks

In Illinois, you are entitled to workers’ compensation payments following a work-related injury. You might be wondering what to do if workers’ comp is not sending checks. If you’re experiencing this issue, the workers’ compensation attorneys at GWC Injury Lawyers are ready to help. We have compiled the following information regarding workers’ comp checks and>> Read More

The Wrongful Death of Ernesto Oliva

On November 11, 2007, Ernesto Oliva, a member of Carpenters Local 13, lost his life in a tragic fall down an elevator shaft at 211 W. Wacker Drive in Chicago, Illinois. Within hours of the tragic accident, insurance company investigators, working with insurance company lawyers, descended on the job site to begin their investigation. Statements>> Read More

Union Carpenter

GWC Obtains $540,000.00 for Union Carpenter

GWC attorney Harris L. Elliott recently obtained a $540,000.00 settlement for a union carpenter who suffered a career-ending back injury. Debilitating Injury for Union Carpenter GWC’s client was a 38-year-old union carpenter and a proud member of Local 13 for many years. In the summer of 2017, he was standing on a deck at a>> Read More
