A drowsy driver who fell asleep at the wheel crashed into a police car, causing it to crash into a stopped vehicle in west suburban Carol Stream, IL.
Crash in Carol Stream
On August 20, 2017, at approximately 6:46 p.m., two police officers had another vehicle pulled over on the shoulder of westbound North Avenue near Schmale Road in Carol Stream, IL. At that time, a drowsy driver to the rear of the police vehicle fell asleep, veered onto the shoulder, and struck the rear of the police vehicle, forcing it to collide with the stopped vehicle ahead of it.
Both officers were taken by ambulance to Central DuPage Hospital in Winfield, where they were treated and released for non-life-threatening injuries. The driver and the passenger in the stopped vehicle were also taken and treated at Central DuPage Hospital.
The drowsy driver who struck the squad was taken to Glendale Heights’s GlenOaks Medical Center, where he was treated and released for minor injuries.
The drowsy driver admitted to the police that he fell asleep behind the wheel. Police issued him five citations, including failure to reduce his speed to avoid an accident, failure to yield the right of way to an emergency vehicle, improper lane usage, driving on the shoulder of the road, and operation of an uninsured motor vehicle.
The Dangers of a Drowsy Driver
A drowsy driver behind the wheel can be as dangerous as a driver under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Drowsiness impairs judgment and vision and reduces reaction time, all of which are critical for safe driving.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, drowsy driving causes an estimated 100,000 police-reported crashes every year, resulting in an average of 1,550 deaths and 71,000 injuries. Drowsy driving is also most prevalent among young people who often stay up too late, do not get enough sleep, and drive at night.t.
Some of the most common characteristics of drowsy driving include the following:
- Most drowsy driving accidents happen between midnight and 6 a.m. and in the middle of the afternoon.
- A drowsy driver is typically traveling alone and is more likely to be male.
- Drowsy driving accidents involve serious injuries and fatalities.
Some of the typical warning signs that drivers should be aware of include:
- Trouble focusing and keeping their eyes open.
- Feeling restless, irritable, or aggressive.
- Daydreaming and wandering thoughts.
- Slow reactions to things happening around them.
Drivers are encouraged to watch for these signs of fatigue. If you feel that you may be driving drowsy, let a passenger take over the driving. If you are alone, stop driving and find to find a place to rest.
Experts recommend that adults get an average of seven to nine hours of sleep each night and that teens get 8.5 to 9.5 hours. This is important for ensuring that a driver is alert and prepared while behind the wheel.
Chicago Car Accident Lawyers
If you have been injured by a drowsy driver, please contact GWC Injury Lawyers today to schedule a free consultation with one of our Chicago car accident lawyers. Call our office at (312) 464-1234 or click here to chat with one of our representatives.