DUI car accident over the weekend. The crash occurred early Sunday morning when the 18-year-old Elgin driver ran a stop sign at the intersection of Hasting Street and Liberty Street.
The teen’s car T-boned a SUV containing three men around 1 a.m. The Chicago Tribune reports that the car accident was so severe that the floor of the SUV collapsed and fell out. Images of the crash truck show that the front of the teen’s vehicle was demolished. A box of Modelo beer and open containers were also found in the pickup.
Authorities determined that the teen had a blood-alcohol level of 0.17 percent, which is more than double the legal limit for individuals who are of legal drinking age. The teen was taken to Sherman Hospital but did not suffer any life-threatening injuries. He was in bond court today.
The three individuals in the SUV were also taken to Sherman Hospital, but did not suffer any life-threatening injuries. Drunk driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents in the Chicago area. Teens are already the highest risk group of drivers, when alcohol and the experience of youth are combined, car accidents such as this become commonplace.