[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In Olympia Fields, Illinois a gaggle of young teens went for a joyride around the neighborhood. The group included the 13 year old female driver, a 12 year old boy, and another boy and girl .
Around 12:45 that afternoon, the vehicle they were riding in ended up being crashed into a tree. One witness says, “I heard a big boom…”
Very sadly, the 12 year old boy perished from the accident. He was officially pronounced dead a couple of hours later at the hospital. The other three children are also injured, but did survive.
His mother said he was grounded at the time of the incident, but he had apparently snuck out for some fun.
The driver is thought to have been speeding at the time of the crash, which is possibly why control of the car was initially lost. From there, it bounced back from the tree and ended in grass.
She is now being charged in juvenile court with a number of crimes, one including reckless homicide. She has been released back into the care of her mother.
Another witness gives his opinion. “I wouldn’t think that adults would be driving that fast in a neighborhood like that, and it makes more sense that someone was just not very mature.”
It’s not a huge surprise that a 13 year old driver would end up crashing a car. That’s why there are rules for these things. What’s specifically terrible about this occurrence is that people were hurt (and worse) because of the group’s bad decisions. If you should ever be a victim in a similar occurrence, it’s important that you contact your lawyer for advice on your rights and how to proceed.
Have you been injured in a car crash? Contact the Illinois personal injury lawyers at GWC today. Ph:1-312-464-1234.