How Chicago parents can prevent dog bites

Dog bites are one of the most common types of child injuries in Chicago. Although most Illinois dog bites consist of small nips that do no harm, thousands children visited emergency rooms this year due to severe dog bite injuries. Nationally, children make up more than half of the 4.5 million dog bite victims. About>> Read More

More Pitbull Attacks In Chicago Suburbs

A 30-year-old man was recently injured after a dog attack in Ridge Park. Authorities say that the man was attacked by a 26-year-old relative’s pit bull and had to receive a dozen stitches for his 10 puncture wounds. Dog bites are one of the most common and most preventable types of personal injuries. Dog bites>> Read More

ER errors and negligence could be reduced with interpreters

When you suffer from an illness or a traumatic injury, doctors will ask you directly about your symptoms or the accident. This information is critical to diagnose your condition and determine the proper course of treatment. What if you could not communicate with your doctor because of a language barrier? If you have ever been seeking medical treatment>> Read More

Car Accident & Teenager Head Injuries

For six years running, the number of deaths caused by teen drivers has decreased. Unfortunately, the Centers for Disease Control reports that car accidents are still the number one cause of traumatic brain injuries for kids between 15 and 19 years of age. A study conducted jointly by the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and State>> Read More
