Snow and Ice Cause Chaos in Chicago | Auto Accident News

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This winter has been extremely harsh so far.  The conditions of snow and ice have led to numerous traffic wrecks as well as transportation delays on the road, tracks , and air. Snow and ice blocked parts of Amtrak tracks as well, leaving almost 500 Amtrak passengers stranded overnight, stuck on numerous delayed trains. Although>> Read More

Checking for Intoxication Of The Other Driver In An Accident | GWC

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]With drug and alcohol awareness improving, the number of fatalities due to intoxication is going down as the years pass.  However, over 10 thousand lives are still taken away by drunk drivers every year, and illegal drugs still play a part in nearly 20% of auto accidents. When you’re involved in an auto accident, one>> Read More
