GWC Participates In The Mexican Consulate’s Labor Right’s Week

attorney-raul-rodriguez-edit2Every August, the Mexican Consulate of Chicago — in collaboration with numerous government Agencies, attorneys and community organizations — conducts Labor Rights Week(“La Semana Laboral”) throughout the Chicagoland area. GWC attorney Raul Rodriguez represents the firm at Labor Rights week which is an annual gathering of representatives from the Consulate, the Department of Labor, National Labor Relations Board,  EEOC, Chicago Community and Workers Rights, and the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers Union, The United Food and Commercial Workers Union and various organizations. The aforementioned organizations conduct labor workshops where the rights, laws and protection of Mexican Americans are discussed, learned and communicated to the media and Latinos throughout the city.

This is the 6th year that GWC has participated and Raul has spearheaded the firm’s efforts to help Latinos in Illinois through the Consulate  and GWC is quite proud to have Raul as such an important member of our team of trial lawyers endeavor info to pursue justice for all of our clients, regardless of their national heritage.