Authorities say that a 34-year-old Alsip man died in an Oak Forest motorcycle accident on Sunday night. The crash happened on 147th street shortly before 9 p.m. when the man failed to negotiate a curve. The motorcyclist was thrown from his motorcycle and sustained fatal personal injuries.
The accident occurred in a section of road that is primarily in a forest reserve. Weather conditions were clear at the time of the crash and a spokesperson for the Oak Forest Police said that it is unclear whether drugs or alcohol played a role in this motorcycle accident.
Another serious accident happened last Friday in Uptown. Authorities say that an 87-year-old pedestrian was run over by a drunk driver. A 26-year-old West Rogers Park man was charged in connection with that crash. In addition to felony DUI, the man also faces charges of striking a pedestrian, running a red light, and driving while uninsured and unlicensed.
The accident happened around 7 a.m. at the 47000 block of North Broadway. The pedestrian was rushed to a nearby hospital but it is unknown whether he will fully recover from his personal injuries. Young pedestrians and the elderly are among the most likely types of individuals to die in pedestrian accidents.