A Villa Park woman died in a Highland Park nursing home because of what her family and their attorneys alleged was a misread medical chart. A lawsuit was recently filed.
Kim Cencula, 52, was staying last year at the Warren Barr North Shore nursing home while she recovered from a recent bout of pneumonia. While at the facility, Ms. Cencula contracted what was later identified as Elizabethkingia, a bacterial infection.
On the early morning of March 29, 2016, nursing home staff found Ms. Cencula unresponsive in her bed. Family attorneys alleged that the staff made no attempt to revive her until nearly a half hour later, when 911 was called. A nursing assistant, the attorneys further claimed, had misread Ms. Cencula’s medical chart, believing that it ordered staff not to resuscitate her, when in fact it stated that all life-saving measures should be taken – a mistake that may have fatally delayed emergency treatment.
The Illinois Department of Public Health subsequently investigated the incident and cited and fined Warren Barr North Shore. The family filed suit against the facility on April 4, 2017 for negligence and wrongful death.
If your loved one has suffered serious injuries as a result of nursing home neglect, you may be able to pursue litigation against the nursing home for its negligence. The nursing home neglect attorneys at GWC Injury Lawyers are an excellent choice because they have decades of experience and success in cases exactly like this.
For more than 30 years our Chicago nursing home neglect lawyers have been helping to fight for the rights of injury victims in Illinois. They are not intimidated by the insurance companies that often represent many nursing homes. Our firm is well known by many insurance agencies and has a hard-won reputation of fighting for the MAXIMUM amount of compensation for our clients.
Please contact our office for a free legal consultation to see if you may be eligible for financial compensation for your injuries.