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United Transportation Union Workers’ Compensation Lawyers
The Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act covers most individuals who are hired or work in the state. A parallel, but different, set of rules applies to railroad workers. Injured railroad workers are typically covered under the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA).
The attorneys at GWC Injury Lawyers are experienced handling both FELA and workers’ compensation cases in Illinois. Since 1977, we have represented thousands of union workers in Illinois, including members of the United Transportation Union.
Texting While Driving Is Against The Law
In Illinois, texting and driving has been illegal since January 1, 2010. It is illegal to text on a cell phone, a tablet, a PDA or any other device that can send an electronic message.
Many drivers believe that they are an exception to the rule that most people cannot drive safely while texting. However, this is simply not the case. There are no exceptions.
Texting and driving was outlawed in Illinois for a reason. Research has demonstrated that texting while driving significantly increases the likelihood of a crash.
The injuries from texting and driving can be serious and even fatal.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that more than 3,000 individuals were killed in accidents involving distracted driving, including texting and driving in 2013.