Hundreds of Illinois paraquat lawsuits are pending, with plaintiffs alleging that the weedkiller caused them to develop Parkinson’s disease.
Approximately 300 Illinois Paraquat Lawsuits
On June 7, 2021, all federally filed paraquat lawsuits were consolidated into the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois.
A recent docket report found that personal injury attorneys have filed approximately 300 Illinois paraquat lawsuits that focus on the potential link between the chemical and Parkinson’s disease, a degenerative brain condition that leads to the loss of muscle coordination.
What Is Paraquat?
Paraquat is a common herbicide in the United States. It is currently marketed by Syngenta under the brand name Gramoxone and was previously sold in partnership with Chevron. It has become more popular in recent years as plants have become resistant to Roundup.
Paraquat is applied to about 15 million acres of crops each year, including corn, soybeans, fruits and vegetables, rice, wheat, cotton, orchards and grapes, alfalfa, and hay.
The chemical is a known toxin. The Environmental Protection Agency only permits paraquat for licensed commercial use, not residential. It has already been banned across much of the world, including in the European Union, Brazil, and China.
Studies have shown that paraquat can damage the neurons in the brain responsible for Parkinson’s disease, with several suggesting that exposure may increase the risk of developing the condition.
Widely Used in Illinois
Both Syngenta and Chevron have been named as defendants in the Illinois paraquat lawsuits, though Chevron claims it has not marketed the chemical in 35 years.
The Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, which consolidated the cases, said that the Southern District of Illinois was an appropriate venue in part because it is in an agricultural region where paraquat was widely used.
The case is In re Paraquat Products Liability Litigation, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Illinois, No. 21-md-03004. The first trials are expected to begin in November 2022.
Fighting to Protect Consumers
Consumers may often seem powerless when compared to corporate giants, but a meticulous attorney can make a difference, even in the face of significant odds. If you or a loved one have been hurt by a dangerous consumer product, consider doing what so many have done before you and retain the knowledgeable personal injury attorneys at GWC Injury Lawyers LLC.
With more than $2 billion recovered in verdicts and settlements, GWC is one of the premier Personal Injury and Workers’ Compensation law firms in Illinois. For over four decades, we have been fighting to protect the average person from the negligence of large companies. Our personal injury attorneys have the experience, the determination, the resources, and the reputation you need to help get you and your family the justice you deserve.
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