independent contractor status

Independent Contractor Status Focus of Lobbying Push

Gig economy companies have been courting unions and lawmakers in an effort to preserve the independent contractor status of their workforce. Independent Contractor Status Targeted in Several States A report by Reuters found that gig economy companies are looking for novel approaches to maintain the independent contractor status of their workers, which they argue is>> Read More


Independent Contractor Rule Rescinded

The Biden administration has rescinded an independent contractor rule that would have made it easier for businesses to misclassify employees. Independent Contractor Rule Regulated Status On May 5, 2021, the U.S. Department of Labor issued a final rule rescinding the regulation on independent contractor status under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). In so doing,>> Read More

CTA Train Crash

GWC Obtains More Than $2 Million in May 2021 Settlements

GWC Injury Lawyers LLC obtained more than $2 million in total settlements on behalf of injured clients in May 2021. May 2021 Yields 36 Settlements GWC’s dedicated attorneys and staff brought 36 cases to a successful resolution in May 2021. The settlements included over $1 million for workers’ compensation claims and over $965,000.00 for third-party>> Read More

Target Store

Staph Infection Presumption Bill Passes Senate

The Illinois Senate has passed a staph infection presumption bill that could help first responders obtain workers’ compensation benefits. 51-0 for Staph Infection Presumption Bill The Senate passed House Bill 3662 with a 51-0 vote on May 28, 2021. The Illinois House of Representatives had already passed the staph infection presumption bill a month earlier>> Read More

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Nets Compensation

A Chicago 911 operator has obtained workers’ compensation benefits after developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Diagnosis In the matter of Jocelyn Cahill v. City of Chicago, the claimant had worked as a 911 operator and first responder for the City of Chicago for fifteen years. As part of her duties, she regularly had>> Read More

IWCC Moving Headquarters to Daley Center

The Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission (IWCC) is moving its headquarters from the Thompson Center to the Daley Center as part of a series of cost-cutting initiatives. Reducing Space by 25 to 30 Percent The IWCC will be moving out of Chicago’s Thompson Center later in 2021. Commission officials report that construction is already underway on>> Read More

United Airlines

GWC Obtains Over $3.4 Million in April 2021 Settlements

The dedicated attorneys and staff members at GWC Injury Lawyers LLC have obtained over $3.4 million in total April settlements on behalf of their injured clients. 55 Cases Settled in April 2021 GWC brought 55 cases to a successful resolution in April. The April 2021 settlements included over $1.5 million for third-party injury lawsuits and>> Read More


Naperville Warehouse Cited by OSHA After COVID-19 Outbreak

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has cited a Naperville warehouse after 23 of its workers came down with COVID-19. Outbreak After Work Luncheon OSHA cited Midwest Warehouse and Distribution Systems Inc. for violating the general duty clause when it failed to take appropriate steps to combat a COVID-19 outbreak last year. In October>> Read More

Illinois staph infection bill

Illinois Staph Infection Bill to Assist First Responders

An Illinois staph infection bill would create a “rebuttable presumption” to assist some first responders seeking workers’ compensation benefits. Illinois Staph Infection Bill Passes House On April 21, 2021, the Illinois House of Representatives unanimously passed House Bill 3662. The Illinois staph infection bill amends the state’s Workers’ Compensation Act to create a rebuttable presumption>> Read More


GWC Attorney Appointed to Workers’ Compensation Law Section Council

GWC is pleased to announce that James E. Babcock has been appointed to the Workers’ Compensation Law Section Council of the Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA). “Lifeblood” of the ISBA Mr. Babcock will serve on the Workers’ Compensation Law Section Council for the 2021-2022 term. As part of his duties, he will contribute to the>> Read More

GWC Lawyer Obtains Over $500,000.00 in One Month While Working Remotely

GWC attorney Raul V. Rodriguez has obtained over $500,000.00 in workers’ compensation settlements in a single month despite the challenges of working remotely. Large Settlements for Multiple Clients Mr. Rodriguez secured significant settlements for multiple clients during the month of March, including the following: $346,919.00 for a union electrician. The client suffered a lower back injury while he>> Read More

GWC Obtains Over $4 Million in March 2021 Settlements

GWC Injury Lawyers LLC proudly congratulates its hardworking attorneys and staff for having successfully obtained over $4 million in total settlements in March. Settlements Reflect Wide Variety of GWC’s Cases In all, GWC’s dedicated lawyers successfully resolved 55 claims in March, in cases representing a wide variety of injuries, fact patterns, professions, and trade affiliations.>> Read More
