Gift of Life 5K

On Sunday Jan. 18, 2015, GWC partner Michael Goldberg participated in the 5th annual “Gift of Life” Bone Marrow foundation 5K race where he took 2nd place for his age group. The attorneys at GWC are committed to community service and proud of Michael Goldberg’s achievement and involvement in a such an important cause. Jay Feinberg>> Read More

Lou Cairo Makes Appearance On WCIU’s “Lawsuit Or No Lawsuit” – December Edition

Our very own Lou Cairo made an appearance on the popular WCIU television segment “Lawsuit or No Lawsuit” earlier today and discussed some common Christmas themed circumstances that may or may not result in a personal injury lawsuit.  >> Read More

Happy Thanksgiving From GWC Injury Lawyers

At the law offices of GWC Injury Lawyers, we would like to take a moment to wish all of our family, friends and clients a safe and happy Thanksgiving! We’d like to also kindly remind everyone to please exercise extra caution if you are traveling home for Thanksgiving, especially as the winter holiday season approaches.>> Read More

Lou Cairo Appears On WCIU Lawsuit Or No Lawsuit Segment

In what is quickly becoming a popular segment on WCIU’s “You & Me” morning show, our very own Lou Cairo appeared on the November 19th edition of “Lawsuit or No Lawsuit” to discuss some common situations that many people from Illinois may face on daily basis and could result in requiring the services of a personal>> Read More

GWC Proudly Supporting Fundraiser For Reknown Chicago Reporter

At the law offices of GWC Injury Lawyers, we would like to welcome everyone to a fundraising event that is being held this Sunday for Mr. John Flynn Rooney – a renown reporter at the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin. Mr. Rooney was recently diagnosed with ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease) and in an>> Read More

GWC to Co-Host Judicial Panel Discussion on Ethics and Professionalism

The Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism along with Louis Cairo and Colin OMalley of GWC Injury Lawyers are hosting a panel discussion on ethics and professionalism. Justice Frank Clarke, a Justice on the Supreme Court of Ireland, along with the Chairman of the Bar Council of Ireland, David Barniville, will be leading a judicial>> Read More

Jim Hardy Elected to Kids Chance Board of Directors

Jim Hardy, an elite personal injury lawyer who has practiced at GWC Injury Lawyers for more than three decades, has recently been elected to the  board of directors for the Illinois chapter of Kids Chance. Kids Chance is an organization whose mission is to help give children of seriously and fatally injured workers a chance to achieve their>> Read More

GWC Launches New Responsive Website

GWC Injury Lawyers, Illinois largest personal injury law firm, announces the launch of a newly redesigned website. Clients can access the website on all devices including tablets, smartphones, and computers. The website has been redesigned and upgraded in order to provide current, relevant and useful injury information to accident victims throughout Illinois. The firm wanted>> Read More

GWC Remembers 9/11/2001

While you’re getting ready for another busy day today, remember to take a brief moment out and reflect on what is important. We never know when something unexpected may happen, such as the world-changing tragedy that struck America on September 11, 2001. Here at GWC, we will be sure to remember those that were directly>> Read More

GWC Injury Lawyers Honored by Mexican Consulate

In an historic ceremony, GWC was recently honored by the Mexican government as a designated law firm for Mexican-Americans and Mexican nationals in the State of Illinois to consult with related to personal injury and workers compensation matters. The Mexican government is represented locally by its Consul General, Eduardo Arnal. Consul General Arnal represents Mexicos>> Read More

Injured Chicago Roofer Obtains $136,000 Settlement

Chicago workers’ compensation attorney Raul V. Rodriguez recently obtained a $136,000 settlement on behalf of an undocumented roofer who was severely injured after a fall at a local jobsite. Mr. Rodriguez is a bilingual Spanish-speaking attorney who concentrates much of his practice representing Latino-American employees who suffer workplace injuries in Illinois. The Chicago roofer represented>> Read More

Trials After Dark: GWC Lawyers Hone Their Trial Skills With Cutting-Edge Seminars

As in any profession, there are always new approaches and evolving ideas on how to best practice law, particularly trial law. The fundamental challenge for a trial lawyer is to persuade 12 skeptics in a jury box that our cause is correct and that under the law, defendant should pay significant money damages to compensate>> Read More
